Tips and help to eat health | nicole nawrot
Nicole Nawrot naturopath south australia

Naturopath Consultations

Are you experiencing...

  • Persistent fatigue that leaves you drained from morning till night?

  • Frustration over weight loss diets that seem ineffective?

  • Unexpected weight gain around your abdomen and hips?

  • Mood swings, irritability, or feelings of anxiety that just don't seem like the real you?

  • Digestive issues like bloating, abdominal pain, or unpredictable bowel movements?

  • Persistent skin problems such as acne, rosacea, eczema, or psoriasis?

  • Stiffness, joint discomfort, or muscle pain that affects your daily activities?

  • Menstrual irregularities, intense period pain, or other hormonal imbalances?

  • A decrease in sexual desire, discomfort during intimacy, or recurrent urinary issues?

  • Difficulty with memory, concentration, or persistent brain fog?

  • Or maybe you have been diagnosed with SIBO you and you don't what steps to take next..

If you’re nodding along, it’s time to consider a holistic approach to your health. In my clinic, I understand these symptoms are signals from your body asking for help. Let's address them together with tailored, empathetic care focusing on the root causes, not just the symptoms.

Help with poor gut health and metabolism

Initial Consultation

During your initial consultation, I take the opportunity to deeply understand your health background and current concerns. I review a comprehensive questionnaire you fill out prior to your visit, along with any existing pathology or test results. This holistic approach ensures I consider all aspects of your well-being—physical, mental, and emotional.

In this session, you get to share your health story. Based on our discussion, I develop a tailored treatment plan that typically includes lifestyle and dietary changes. I provide handouts and info sheets for easy reference at home. If needed, I also prescribe nutritional supplements and custom-formulated herbal blends, which are conveniently shipped directly to you from a practitioner wholesale company.


Follow-up Consultation

Our follow-up consultations build on the initial discussion. We assess the effectiveness of the treatment plan, make necessary adjustments, and further explore your health concerns. This iterative process ensures the changes we implement are sustainable and genuinely improve your well-being. I focus on introducing manageable changes that lead to lasting health improvements, avoiding overwhelming shifts that could lead to frustration.

testing for heavy metals

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

Unlock the Secrets to Your Health with HTMA

I offer the HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis) + Initial Consultation bundle, a comprehensive approach to understanding your individual nutritional needs and identifying toxic element burdens that standard pathology tests may miss. Partnering with Interclinical Laboratories, this service provides invaluable insights into your health.

What is HTMA? Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) is a highly informative diagnostic tool that analyzes the mineral content of your hair. This analysis helps identify nutritional deficiencies, mineral imbalances, and the presence of toxic metals in your body. Unlike other tests, HTMA offers a long-term view of your body’s mineral status, reflecting the past few months of metabolic activity.

The HTMA + Initial Consultation Bundle Includes:

  1. Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA)

    • Conducted through Interclinical Laboratories, this test offers a detailed assessment of your mineral levels and toxic element burdens.

    • The results provide a comprehensive profile of your nutritional status and exposure to harmful substances.

  2. Initial Naturopathic Consultation

    • Once your HTMA results are received, we will schedule an in-depth initial consultation, either in-clinic or online.

    • During this session, I will explain the HTMA results in detail, correlating them with your presenting conditions, symptoms, and overall health profile.

    • Together, we will discuss how the findings relate to your health concerns and develop a personalized treatment plan.

Personalised Treatment Plan

  • Customised Nutritional Recommendations: Based on your HTMA results and health needs, I will suggest dietary changes and specific foods to incorporate or avoid.

  • Targeted Supplementation: High-quality, ethically sourced supplements may be recommended to address deficiencies and support your body’s optimal function.

  • Holistic Health Guidance: Beyond diet and supplements, I will provide lifestyle and wellness strategies tailored to your unique health profile, aiming to enhance your overall well-being.

Why Choose HTMA?

  • Comprehensive Insight: HTMA offers a broad overview of your body’s mineral balance and toxic element exposure, providing a wealth of information that can pinpoint the underlying causes of health issues.

  • Personalised Approach: The combination of HTMA results with a thorough naturopathic consultation ensures that your treatment plan is tailored specifically to your needs, promoting more effective and sustainable health improvements.

If you’re ready to uncover the hidden factors affecting your health and take a proactive step towards wellness, the HTMA + Initial Consultation bundle is an excellent choice.

Buy your HTMA + Initial Consultation today and start your journey to health and harmony.